Sunday, September 21, 2008

Changes Ahead

It looks like things will be changing quite a bit in the near future. Leslie and I just had our site visits, and the decision was made to change Leslie's assignment. She will still be working with some of the women's groups with whom she has established a relationship, she will just no longer be working for the larger network of women's groups. Her new official host agency will be the Women's Interest office. In addition, we will be moving to my village in the next few months. Although the house we move into in the village will, no doubt, be a step down from our current house, I think this really makes the most sense. As it is, I'm missing out on a lot of village gatherings because I am never in the village at night time. We have a huge Peace Corps gathering coming up in October. I think everyone is pretty excited about this. I'm looking forward to meeting some of the current volunteers.
I have been talking to my village a lot about cleaning up the piggeries in the village. I am hoping to get some compost piggeries built in the next few months. I am also looking into biogas digesters, which are quite a bit more expensive to build. If anyone knows anything about biogas digesters send me a message.

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