Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The End in Pictures

I can't believe it is the end. Here are the pictures from our last few months in Ra. The pictures are ordered from most recent to oldest.
Washing clothes in our shower/toilet for the last time!!!

Receiving my farewell gift from the Business Incubation Center.

The Namuaimada village clean-up crew.

Children helping at the beach clean-up.

Dirty child cleaning up the dirty, Namuaimada beach.

The parade to celebrate Rakiraki becoming a town on July 1, 2010.

Candles made in Namuaimada village.

Taking out the first candle. Me and Sai.

Showing the women how to thread the wicks through the candle molds.

The first angel from the Nagoro training.

The training group in Nagoro posing with the days work.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Hi Leslie & John.

Im glad to have come across your blog when searching for Namuaimada Village. Really appreciate the stories and pictures youve taken. Your cmeras captured moments and individuals we hold dear to our hearts and some of whom have left us. Thank you for all that you did and taught our kins. 2010 may only seem like yesterday but its more then a decade ago. Alot has changed now. Really appreciate the pictures youve taken. Thank you. Kalougata tiko nomu vuvale and ni sa moce.

Paula Vea. Namuaimada