First day in Fiji. Traveling from Nadi to Nadave.
Precious children from our first village visit.
FRE-6: 32 Volunteers in total. States represented: Maine, Wyoming, Colorado, Georgia, Missouri, Arizona, Oregon, Alaska, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Washington, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, California and others I have forgotten. Ages range from 21 to 50's.
Indo-Fijian settlement volunteers. First Hindi wedding. Leslie, Keondra, Sara, Jessica, Christa, and Dristica (Keondra's host sister)
Nope, we're not missionaries :)
Hi Leslie and John,
Just now getting caught up on your travels. Glad to hear that it's going well! Leslie...thanks for the pictures! I lika your dress.
So glad to finally see pictures - -especially the one of Leslie all dressed up for a wedding!!
Leslie & John, Thank you for the pictures and info regarding your Peace Corps adventures, even though they have just begun. My name is Mike and I was recently nominated to the Water & Sanitation program and as long as things go my way I will be in the South Pacific in May 2009. It would nice if you could answer some of my questions in the future.
Thank you and I probably will meet you both some day. Unless they decide to send me to Mongolia!
Leslie and John:
What a great adventure you have to look forward to there. I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Fiji way back in 1980 - 1982, teaching in Suva at the Fiji Institute of Technology.
For all of us Fiji was an incredibly friendly place. I learned Fijian and was able to travel with rugby teams and choir groups to some of the remote islands on the school breaks. Living in Suva wasn't much of a hardship since we had real housing, movie theaters, restaurants, and even a motorcycle. I can't tell you how many bad movies we went to just because the theaters were an escape into air conditioning.
It would be amazing to be there now and have internet access. One of the things I remember is how remote I felt and how important each letter was from back home.
Good luck on your stay. You will remember it for the rest of your life.
--Tom Leonard
Hey everyone. Thanks for leaving all the comments. It definitely motivates us to post frequently. Bachthoven, I'd love to answer your questions. Can you post your email address on your next comment and I'll email you?
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